I am a queer, disabled theatre director & dramaturg straddling Washington, DC and New York City.
I make theatre that amplifies the voices of women, queers, disabled people, and those whose voices have been historically and systematically silenced in art and society. I’m curious about identity-based dramaturgy, and how the theatre that came before can teach us about our marginalized present and our liberated future.
As I make art in collaboration, I strive to create an environment that allows us to learn about ourselves in both process and product. As a director and a storyteller, I believe in the power of connection and authenticity as we grapple with convention.
I am a former member of Mercury Store’s Fall 2022 Directing Lab and a former Directing Fellow at Westport Country Playhouse. I love tea, baseball, and podcasts.
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DIRECTOR Or The Woman Covered In Jewels at VoxFest
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Untitled Softball Play (Workshop) at New Georges
DRAMATURG Sex & The Southeast at The Tank
STAGE MANAGER Daddy Workshop at The Drama League